Hi, I’m Helen I am passionate about helping cultivate deeper relationships and nurturing families. I help demystify past conditioning (family, society, cultural) around sexuality, relationship to self and others, and fertility. This can assist you to clear stagnant areas of your life. When stagnation is cleared, there is room for fulfilling relationships, conscious parenting and a pleasurable life. The main focus of my work is to mentor women and men new skills in relating dynamics, embodiment and fertility by reviving ancient teachings. I work with men, women and couples in private sessions and facilitated workshops and retreats I offer these teachings in an easy, accessible and practical way that is integrated in daily life. The workshops and retreats offer tantra teachings for the community. And an exploration to improve the connection between the body and the mind, leading to a more fulfilled life.

There is a call for change. By working together, you uncover and influence the changes you desire in your life. My work is my life’s calling with heartfelt purpose. Many of my clients have experienced past hurts, trauma or difficult childhood upbringings. This has leaded to unfulfilling relationships or infertility. When grievances are not expressed and cleared, patterns of behaviour get played out in life – consciously, unconsciously, mental and physical. Many clients reach out who are ready to elevate their intimacy to the next level. To experience the deeper enriching soulful connection relationships can offer when fostered. Are you ready? For more satisfying relationships in which you can love deeper, feel happier, express yourself with fullness and overcome adversity? Let’s chat. It’s time to leave behind diminishing conversations, objectification of genders and old patterns. Its time to raise your love vibration to a new level!I endeavour to assist you in finding self-love, responsibility and harmony in conscious relationships or parenting. Let’s journey together!

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“Be your truth. Know your heart. Know your fiery love, and live from this space” ~ Helen Zee

Come and see me:

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Grab your ticket and register for my workshops SENSUAL PLAYYONI STREAMING

Read my new book:

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Start experiencing practices that ignite your intimacy and enlivens your life! This comprehensive FREE 22 minute masterclass is packed full of teachings and practices suited to women and men. I have included separate sections for masculine and feminine embodiment;  couples techniques to sizzle your love life and lastly a section for people trying to have a baby. Sign up below!

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“Your intuition and knowledge is INCREDIBLE! You are on point each and every time and are truly making a huge difference in my/our lives – I have been seeking answers and understanding for so long, it brings great joy and relief that I am the way I am and why I have done the things I have done in order to grow and evolve into the person I truly am. Thank you from deep within my soul.”
Rosie Fritsch, 33, Baxter
“I wanted to express my deep gratitude to you for opening up this path for me. For setting me off on what I feel is going to be the most transformational journey of my life. I can’t really convey my feelings with words. What you did for me, was so beautiful, so kind. An old part of me felt like I didn’t deserve it, but you made me feel like I did. You gave me such an incredible gift. You showed me a whole new experience of touch, of love and of support. You made me feel like I was worthy.”
Emma Kitchen, 30’s UK
“Helen is calm and encouraging. Her gentleness facilitated my relaxed entry into what for me was totally unknown. In truth, I was so fully immersed into a deep meditative spaces that my cares at that time were totally forgotten. I left the session feeling happy and at peace.”
James 55
“Helen brings her deep wisdom, intuition and compassion to the healing space and works with total integrity. I feel held unconditionally by her in sessions allowing me to trust and surrender completely in my process.”
N.G. Hawthorn East
“My partner and I felt totally supported and guided to share deeper with one another and trust we were heard and understood. Helen’s caring nature and integrity made it easy to discuss our intimacy concerns and work on them to create changes within ourselves. Her notes and guidance has allowed us to incorporate a beautiful home practice where we have benefited.”
CG and HA, Victoria
“I feel my fullness as a woman. My history regarding my sexuality has needed to be retaught. I am glad to have been taught in an integral real way what is like to live my sexuality in a guilt free way. My confidence has improved and I am able to trust myself for the first time. That is freedom for me! ( leading me to revive my relationship with my partner and daughter)”
Helen 38
“You are a natural at creating a space where I feel totally safe in sharing everything that I am feeling at the time. And the way you relate our talking time to deeper aspects of myself and my patterning in life has been the pieces of the puzzles I have been searching for. Your female presence is pure and beautiful. Thank you!”
Marc 42 North Queensland
“My wife and I didn’t think we needed re-education in sexual intimacy in preparation for parenthood. The process, guidance and tuition Helen offered has enabled us to experience more vitality, virility and deeper connection. Helen even wrote a book with instructions and a personalised book cover! Conscious intimacy for conception is now something that I recommend to all my friends…as we are happy to announce we are 16 weeks pregnant!!”
IH and HH, Regional Victoria ages 35 and 37 respectively
This is a fertility health and well-being program that goes so much deeper. I’ve learned women’s knowledge that I just didn’t get from my upbringing. Helen’s physiological knowledge has also been so revealing and instructive; there’s so much more to learn about our bodies. (Fertility Mentoring Program)
Sylvie, Melbourne